Signature Analysis & Comparisons

The Most Common Type of Request

Kathy Working A Signature AnalysisThink about all the checks, contractual agreements, wills, and other documents signed on a daily basis. It’s no wonder the most common type of request a Forensic Document Examiner receives is a signature analysis.

If you have any of these documents in question in a court case, at your workplace, or just a personal reason to have a signature verification, I would be happy to discuss this matter further with you. For a document examiner, procedures for signature analysis and comparisons are consistent – regardless of the issue of the document type. My first step is to request the original document at issue. If you do not have access to the original, there are other options we can work with.

As you can imagine, signatures are as unique as a fingerprint. They can be similar, but no two are exactly the same. To complete the signature analysis process, the document examiner will need multiple examples of the known signatures. Look at your own signatures for example; while they appear similar, you will notice they vary in their appearance from one to another. Because of this, the Document Examiner will need multiple signature samples to help determine the range of variation for a writer and if the questioned signature falls within that range. For best results, the document examiner will request documents dated close in proximity to the time period of signature in question.

Examples of where to find comparison signature samples include:

  • Checks

  • Tax Returns

  • Court Case Documents

  • Medical Records

  • Insurance Forms

Once I have all the requested signatures, I can then start my Signature Comparison process. It can be difficult to accurately identify fraudulent signatures with the human eye. This is where I utilize my lab equipment and software, then use my expertise to determine if the signatures were from the same writer or if it was forged.

Laboratory Equipment

Kathy Doing Handwriting AnalysisI utilize a variety of lab equipment during signature analysis and comparison projects. For example, my Stereo Microscope with digital camera allows me to magnify the documents feeds to my computer desktop and allows me to better study the strokes and details of writing or printed text. Magnification is important during the examination of printing processes, ink strokes, and other features of a document in question. The laboratory equipment used for my examinations include:

  • AmScope stereoscope with a digital camera attached .5 – 30X magnification
  • MiScope IR/UV Microscope 40 – 140X magnification
  • MiScope Filter Wheel (Blue and UV lighting)
  • ProScope Micro Mobile wireless microscope 10 – 180X magnification
  • Numerous other magnifying devices
  • Light box

  • Various measuring devices
  • HP Computer with a HP OfficeJet Pro copier
  • Printer

  • Scanner Combination

  • Kyocera Combination Copier
  • Various art programs installed on desk top computer
  • Asus Laptop Computer
  • Fuji 12.2 Mega Pixels 18X Optical Zoom camera
  • NeuroScript MovAlyzeR version 6
Need a Forensic Document Examiner? $650.00 Will Get You Started In Your Signature Analysis. Click Here to Contact Me or View My Services and Fees Here.
Kathy Carlson, Forensic Document Examiner

Forensic Document Examiner

P.O. Box 782
Montrose, CO 81402

Phone: (970) 275-6846

Office and Lab

Office Interior of Western Forensic Document Examiner
The office of Western Forensic Document Examiner

Note: We are not attorneys. We do not dispense legal advice. You should obtain legal advice from a suitable attorney.

Ashley's headshot

Meet Ashley

Ashley is currently assistant to Kathy Carlson. She is in training with “Fundamentals of Forensic Documents Examination” to become a proficient document examiner when receiving her certification in 2026.

Let’s Set-Up Your Free Consultation.
Call (970) 275-6846